Crossing Death


Dr. BlkKnight's Notes

Aaand, we're back.

As the cover implies, this is a Janlyn-centric chapter with plenty of surprises. I've spent some time debating how I want the story to go and I now feel I'm on the right track now.

I'm also thinking of converting the style of the comic to parallel the style of the covers. If it goes over well, I'll get the prologue and Chapter 1 converted over.


Mon, 06 Feb 2012

Temporary once a week schedule

by BlkKnight

As part of the Crossing Death reboot process, I'm putting together a fun new layout for the site. As such, I can't both do that and maintain a twice a week schedule easily. But never fear, the twice a week schedule will return once the new site is complete!

Depending on interest, I may post some temporary teasers on Friday instead.

Fri, 29 Jul 2011

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